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2024, 27 İyul, şənbə, Bakı vaxtı 06:07

How Official Baku Responded To The EP Resolution On Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan -- Milli Majlis discusses 2015 state budget package - 20Nov2014
Azerbaijan -- Milli Majlis discusses 2015 state budget package - 20Nov2014

It was not without criticism and harsh statements. Some officials described it unfair, others biased. Here is a compilation of some of the statements from various government officials in Baku.

Ali Panahov, Vice President of the Yeni Azerbaijan party youth branch:

"The resolution adopted by the European Parliament against our country and which is far from Azerbaijan's realities is an example of double standards and disregard of democratic values".

Ali Ahmadov, Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister:

"It seems that this authoritative European organization is afflicted with an anti-Azerbaijani disease. The members of the European Parliament (MEP), who voted for the adoption of this resolution, are well aware that Azerbaijan is the most successful country in the post-Soviet area, as well as in Europe. Most of them visited Baku at different periods and admired the rapid development, renewal and economic growth of Azerbaijan in a short period of time".

Shahin Mustafayev, Azerbaijan Minister of Economy and Industry, Chairman of the Azerbaijani State Commission for Cooperation with the EU"

"The resolution, adopted by the European Parliament, is another provocative step of anti-Azerbaijani forces".

Ali Huseynli, chairman of the parliamentary committee for legal policy and state building:

"The resolution is simply the next step in West's biased policies towards Azerbaijan which were already visible during the European Games. We knew this was coming. Except, this particular resolution differs with its biased language and at times even abusive and insulting remarks. Rest is assusred a relevant response will be given".

Ziyafet Asgarov, first deputy chairman of the National Assembly:

"They are just jealous Europe doesn't have a leader like ours. They are jelaous for not having a smart president like ours".

Siyavush Novruzov, MP:

"They should come to Azerbaijan and learn the electoral process. They should come to Azerbaijan and learn about tolerance. They should come to Azerbaijan and learn about traditions and norms."

Ogtay Asadov, Speaker of the National Parliament:

"I urge, the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz to stop partnerships with lobby groups infected with corruption. That session at the parliament was clearly based on false information. We can tell how biased this resolution was".

In addition, a protest action was organized in front of the EU delegation to Azerbaijan on September 12. Alhough the rally was unsanctioned, police did not intervene. The protesters who were no more than 20 people said the resolution adopted at the EU was biased and was West's attempt to pressure Azerbaijan and intervene into the country's internal affairs.

The European Parliament adopted criticial of Azerbaijani government resoluion on September 10.