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2024, 27 İyul, şənbə, Bakı vaxtı 05:33

The Preliminary Hearing In The Case Of Human Rights Defenders Leyla and Arif Yunus rescheduled to October 20

Azerbaijan -- Leyla and Arif Yunus in happier times. Photo via Dinara Yunis
Azerbaijan -- Leyla and Arif Yunus in happier times. Photo via Dinara Yunis

On October 15 preliminary hearing on the appeal of Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunus continued. The hearing lasted only a few minutes. The presiding judge Vugar Mammadov informed the attendants of the hearing that the hearing will take place October 20 based on the request of Leyla Yunus’s lawyer Elchin Sadigov. Sadigov asked the court to grant him time to familiarize with the protocols.

In the meantime, Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunus were brought inside the court and placed inside the glass cage. Leyla Yunus complained that the microphone inside the cage was not working and the couple was unable to hear what was discussed. She made several gestures however the judge did not respond.

Later, leader of Musavat party Arif Hajili informed the judge that the defendants could not hear anything. Presiding judge Vugar Mammadov asked Hajili to leave the court room. Despite Hajili's protest he left the room.

Before the start of the hearing, Leyla Yunus also said the conditions for her rehabilitation and treatment were not provided. In August, a German doctor informed Yunus she needed two months of medical treatment however, after only after six days of her treatment she was sent back to her jail cell.

To this day, the Ministry of Justice has not responded to Leyla Yunus’s complaints. Previously when Yunus complained about the prison doctors, the ministry dismissed her complaints saying the conditions were there and that she was getting the necessary treatment.