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2024, 24 Oktyabr, Cümə axşamı, Bakı vaxtı 01:41

Davutoglu, "AKP Is Still The Backbone Of Turkey"

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Recep Tayyip Erdogan i diplomatic visit to Sarajevo - May 20th 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Recep Tayyip Erdogan i diplomatic visit to Sarajevo - May 20th 2015

Sunday, June 7 election in Turkey showed that while Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is still popular, some things will have to change. AKP secured 259 seats - 17 seats under simple majority. A blow to the party but mostly to the current President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan whose plans to switch to a Presidential republic will have to wait.

Some analysts see these election results as the biggest blow to the ruling party, and the shake up of its status quo. Surely, in its 13-year power rule, this is the first time AK Party is challenged by the popular vote to the extent it will have to "share" its powers.

"We are still the backbone of Turkey" said current Prime Minister Davutoglu addressing supporters from the balcony of the AKP headquearters in the capital- an AKP tradition after each election. "The people have voted. The decision of the people is the truest decision" he said earlier in the evening addressing the crowd in his hometown of Konya.

Here is the break down of the new parliament:

AKP - 259 seats

CHP - 130 seats

MHP - 83 seats

HDP - 78 seats

With less seats in the parliament the President ought to ask the AK Party for a coalition government. AK Party has 45 days to come to a final decision. Once the decision is made, and submitted to the government, it is subject to a vote of confidence. If the parliament does not support the new government, the president will have to call for another round of elections.

Pundits say the most likely coalition to come out of the current parliament is between AK Party and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Others suggest a minority government with either CHP and MHP coalition backed by HDP or CHP and HDP colation backed by MHP. In this scenario, Turkey will head to early elections within a year and a half.

There could be other surprises too.

One of the pressing questions however is whether Prime Minister Davutoglu will keep his promise and resign now that AKP failed to retain the majority. He didn't speak of this last night while addressing the crowd gathered in front of the party headquarters.